Sunday, November 11, 2012

G-Oh's Journey to Jian's Spiral of Journey

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Aeration works.

Aeration of lawn

Aerating is the process of inserting holes in your lawn for better water absorption, nutrient absorption and helping in the process of eliminating thatch.

Concept of compaction. The water and nutrients can not penetrate the soil. The thatch from lawn mowing, instead of being decomposed and returned to the earth will just sit there inviting molds, mildews, disease and unwanted insects.

Aerating also enhances oxygen levels to your soil thus stimulating root growth and speeding up the decomposition of the thatch decomposing organisms. In removing the plugs of soil from your lawn this process severs roots, rhizomes and stolons. The affects of this stimulate your grass to produce new shoots and roots that will fill in the holes and increase the density of your lawn. It also increases your lawns drought tolerance.

When aerating your lawn, it is best to aerate on a day where the temperatures are milder and the soil in a moist condition, which will make the aerating process much easier. Aerating wet soil can be a real nuisance due to the fact that the plugs will get stuck in the hollow tines and can further compact you soil."


The distance between the coils increasing as the shape becomes larger.

Found repeatedly in nature.


Fiddlehead ferns in spring time.

The arrangement of seeds in sunflowers.

The scales of pinecones.



The flight of hawks in their approach to prey...

Spirals in Nature Spirals in Nature Spirals in Nature

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Contemplative Video

The main concern is the power source, we need to consider the site in distance from the power.

We can camouflage the electric wire/ cord with our natural materials but our greater concern is that the contemplative video would act more as a counter-effect to the objective of our project. As we are providing an contemplative experience to the users to remind them of doing one thing at a time, slowing down, enjoy the present and be connected with the present, away from technology, valuing the journey instead of thinking of the far future/ a destination. We were thinking to not have it be part of our installation, instead of have some sort of label or introductory in the installation that invites the users to walk into a communal sharing viewing of the videos at another site.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Natural Materials----- contemplative labyrinth on concrete walkways

  1. Sand from Onondaga Lake -----
  2. Trimmed twigs/ branches to be composited from SU campus greens-----
  3. Found rocks/ pebbles -----

natural material freeflow...